This is your ‘one-stop-shop’ to fifteen of San Francisco’s largest construction projects, owners and primes in order to grow your local, small and disadvantaged business. This is a FREE event!
Projects and their relevant primes confirmed to participate in this event include:
- California High Speed Rail
CPMC Cathedral Hill Hospital and St. Luke’s Hospital Projects
Hunters Point Shipyard/Candlestick Point – Lennar
Presidio Parkway/Doyle Drive Replacement Project
San Francisco Housing Authority
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency
SFDPW – San Francisco General Hospital/SFPUC Building
SFMTA – Central Subway Project
SFPUC Capital Improvement Programs
SFO – Terminal Two
TJPA – Transbay Transit Center
Treasure Island Community Development
Interact with key City/County of San Francisco Departments and Agencies committed to local, small and disadvantaged business participation!
Gain critical information regarding project scope/timelines/contracting opportunities and resources available to your business!
Bring business cards, a 1-Page Statement of Qualifications and your key personnel!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:00pm – 7:30pm
San Francisco Design Center
101 Henry Adams Street at 15th Street – San Francisco, CA 94103
You must RSVP for this event! For registration, directions and more view website. You Must RSVP For this Event. Please go to:
Questions: e-mail or telephone: 415-420-7528
Parking: Street parking and paid parking is available adjacent to the SF Design Center