If you are not getting notified of projects with your trades, you should login to your account online and verify that you have all the trades that you perform selected. To do this, click on login, then click on “My Account” located at the top right of your screen. This will bring you to a […]
Archive for the ‘business’ Category
Free Business Class
Dear Small Business Owner, A NEW free online course focusing on accounting and cash flow is now available to small businesses in California. The Accounting and Cash Flow Online Course will cover the basics of accounting and recordkeeping for the small business owner. This online course is made possible through the Caltrans Contract Training Program […]
Start 2011 Bidding Electronically
A couple of years ago we found software for doing takeoffs and estimates Easily, Quickly, & Accurately. The software was PlanSwift version 8.7. At the time we were floored (sorry for the pun) by how much quicker it made our bidding work. Now PlanSwift is rolling out a new version that has not yet been […]
2011 Mechanics Lien Changes
In January 2011 the Mechanics Lien law will require additional documents on all parties involved to be effective. In short, this will make the requirements for recording a Mechanics Lien similar to that of the Stop Notice, but a little more complicated and a lot more paperwork. If you do not use our service to […]